Double Hung

Aluminum Double-hung Window Installations in Chicago, IL

At Scientific Home Services, we provide services for aluminum double-hung window installations in Chicago, IL. Scientific Home Services has been servicing the Chicagoland area since 1928. With a full support team with decades of knowledge and experience in the industry, you can be certain your window installations are in good hands. We not only offer the best quality work but the best quality products as well. We install windows from brand names we trust. Our number one priority at Scientific Home Services is our customers. We ensure quality installs on every project. Scientific Home Services offers installs to offices, residential homes, apartments, and more.


Crystal windows and door systems include a full line of double-hung aluminum windows to fit every need and budget. These aluminum windows by Crystal Windows and Doors offer strength, durability, and performance for everyone’s needs. Regardless of whether you are a property manager or a homeowner, Crystal windows are the product for you. Their Double-hung Aluminum Windows line includes thermal-break double-hung tilt windows, side load windows, and tilt windows for homeowners as well as commercial/architectural purposes.

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About Crystal®

Crystal has been manufacturing high-quality windows for over 20 years. Over the past few decades, they’ve grown to be one of the top window manufacturers in the nation. The team at Scientific Home Services stands by their product because we know it will perform well for your home or business. Crystal’s double-hung windows offer insulated glass that provides premium insulation and sound reduction. They also come equipped with sloped sills for easy moisture and water drainage. Crystal’s equal glazing sight-lines and sleek extruded screen tracks offer more ease of use and versatility than most other window products. For aluminum double-hung window installations, Crystal is the preferred choice.

Contact Us

For more information regarding our services for aluminum double-hung window installations in Chicago, IL, call our team today.